In the latest twist to the saga of Alternatives 2010, the National Empowerment Center, which organized the conference, has apparently reversed course and restored the original language to Will Hall’s workshop — see my earlier blog about the brouhaha over this.

According to a hot-off-the-presses statement from Dr. Daniel Fisher, the director of the NEC:

“Hall’s original workshop title, Coming off Medications: A Harm Reduction Approach. will be restored and we are delighted Will has agreed to come to Alternatives and present on this subject as originally planned.”

In his statement, Dr. Fisher, a psychiatrist, also said,

“On behalf of the National Empowerment Center, I wish to apologize to Will Hall and to the consumer/survivor community for the last-minute decision to alter the title of his workshop to remove the reference to coming off medication.”

Sanity, it seems, has prevailed.